sexta-feira, junho 22

My Girl

You gaze at her from across the room and think how beautiful she is. You are sure there is no-one else like her. The thought of seeing her makes you joyful with expectation. You find yourself thinking of her often and what she said or did is also often the subject of your conversations with others. You would like to introduce her to your family. You can’t believe how lucky you are to have met her. You want to share your life with her; for the two of you to grow old together. And what is more, she is one of the best friends you’ve ever had.

In fact, you are friends. Just friends. And you are two women.

Pablo Picasso, Two Women Running on the Beach

Having recently discovered the word, “bromance”, defined in the latest edition of the Collins English Dictionary as “a close but nonsexual relationship between two men” (i.e. bro[ther] + romance), I wondered about a similar term for women – and so: womance! Certainly, the feelings I have for my “girl-friends” sometimes border on infatuation; and there is an intimacy between us that can be incredibly tender and intense (without being about sex/sexual orientation) – very, very womantic…

So, if you’re in the mood for spraying on your favourite perfume, putting on your little black dress, and having a candle-lit dinner over a glass of champagne, get together with your girlfriend(s) and celebrate your true womance!

4 comentários:

cuscavel disse...

Nem de propósito: esta noite é de womance! Pelo menos, com duas das girl-friends ;)

DomingonoMundo disse...

O pior é quando acaba tudo à "wofetada"!

cuscavel disse...

Depois de ler o teu comentário, domingo, fiquei com vontade de começar já.

bela lugosi`s dead (F.JSAL) disse...

é só wumor!!:)